Potted garden


Not so long ago there was a line for the design of indoor plants in the form of a garden in pots. It turns out a kind of landscape design in miniature. This idea is exciting and has a fairly diverse development. The works of the masters are really amazing, because plants and miniatures of the buildings and inhabitants of these kindergartens are selected with great care and calculation, so that the finished composition resembles a frame from a film or a three-dimensional panorama of a small courtyard, kindergarten, a plot with a hut or a castle. Passion for this activity stimulates to achieve excellence. But, as in any business, you need to start somewhere.
Let's try to create a small garden in a pot with a miniature tower house and a red cat.

The implementation of the plan takes place in two stages: the first - planting and rooting of plants, the second - the design of the potted landscape.
First step.
For work, we will use not an ordinary flower pot, but an elongated plastic container. In our case, from under ice cream. Bowls and bowls are also suitable, it is necessary that the surface of the soil is larger than in an ordinary pot, but at the same time the pot should not be too bulky.

We select live plants for planting. The best option is succulents. They do not grow so fast and are not too whimsical. We buy the appropriate soil and plant small cuttings. In our case, this is Gasteria, variegato peperomia, ampelous peperomia, Kalanch carved. We plant and leave plants so that they can take root properly. Usually this takes no more than a month.

Second phase.
To design a pot, we use the method of a knitted cover. From a thick double thread we knit in a circle the outer part of the planter, which will close the plastic container. We start with the VP chain, which we then tie in a circle around the size of a plastic can. We end with a thickened side, which should cover the edge of the container.

Now we are preparing the filling of the kindergarten with objects. To test the pen in the micro-scaffold, we will perform simple elements: a castle-house from a plastic bottle, a cat from a cork from champagne and soaring butterflies.
House made of plastic bottle.
You will need: a small plastic bottle, acrylic paints or nail polish, a lid for toilet water or something else suitable for the top of the roof, hot melt adhesive, indelible marker.

We crop the bottle at a convenient height, so that when installed in a pot, it is clearly visible. We draw on the surface the contours of the windows and doors of the house. We use acrylic paints or varnish, sketch the surface of the plastic with a dense layer.

For windows, it is better to choose a translucent paint. The top of the tower house is decorated with a plastic top. You can add an ornament or an original mesh from a perfume bottle to it. We paint or vice versa, leave it in its original form. Using hot glue we connect these elements.
Soaring butterflies.
You will need: thin wooden sticks, a plastic bottle, a bright colored nail polish, a black permanent marker, hot melt adhesive.
From a fragment of a plastic bottle according to the template, cut out the outline of a butterfly. We paint with varnish, in different colors, dry, we again circle with black contours on top.

Using hot-melt adhesive, we attach butterflies to wooden sticks. In this case, dried willow twigs are used. We stick sticks into the ground until they stop, so that they are stable. Such elements can serve as additional support for growing plants.
It remains to add the cat Kotofey to the composition. You will need: champagne cork, dense non-woven napkin of red color, false eyes, soft pile balls (sold separately or in needlework kits).

Strip strips from a napkin, having previously measured the necessary length. Two strips will become paws, one - tail. Using a heat gun, glue the strips: paws around the cork, tail to the back. We attach fluffy cheeks and eyes with hot glue, and draw a mustache, nose and mouth with a marker.

Since the cat contains fabric parts, it can not be placed in the ground, it will crack, get dirty. Therefore, Kotofey will sit on the blockage, i.e. on the side of the bowl. In order to fix it there, we use a strip cut from a transparent plastic bottle. She will not even be noticeable. We glue the cat and fill the strip for the knitted cover on the bowl.

Flowers for decoration.
To give the composition a little fabulousness, we add a few details to it, for example, flowers from foil paper. Here you can do everything that is fantasized.

In our case, origami tulips are made, which are placed on one side of the bowl on thin wooden sticks.

Here is such a composition in the end. Knitted cover can be removed and washed, needlework elements can be replaced with others. When live plants grow, repeat the product in a new version.

Using the first experience of such microlandscape design, you can move on to other forms and level of execution.


Watch the video: Growing Large VegetablesFruits in Containers #1- Tips for Success (October 2024).