We surround the jar with beads


Surely every girl has a very convenient jar or casket in which the necessary little things are stored. Most, of course, are purchased at the store. However, you can independently make such a box, which will not be embarrassing to put on a dressing table or any other prominent place. I made such a box in 2 evenings.
To make it, I needed:
  • beads;
  • ordinary thread with a needle;
  • a suitable jar;
  • glue "moment crystal".

Since I didn’t have a strong thread at hand, I decided to just use a double thread. First of all, we collect 4 beads on a thread and pull the needle through them 2 times to fix them in a ring.

Now we string 3 more beads and thread them into the bead from which the thread came out, but on the other hand to make a loop.

Next, we collect 3 more beads on the needle and thread through the last bead, as if repeating the second loop. Thus, a chain of loops is obtained. It must be continued to weave until its length becomes almost equal to the circumference of the jar.

When the required length is woven, turn around and start weaving the second row.

Now it will be necessary to add not only 3, but two beads each, since now the side beads of the first row are also used. So, row after row weave the canvas until it becomes much higher than our jar.

By the way, I decided not to bother looking for the right capacity and, simply, used a jar of cotton swabs. The next step is to weave the canvas into a bracelet. To do this, add one bead and tighten the edges of the canvas into loops.

As a result, it should turn out this way: the bracelet sits tightly on the base, and a bead cloth peeps slightly from above and below.

Now, we take a thread, and, passing a needle into each extreme bead of the base, we tighten them a little to the center of the bottom.

After trying on, remove the bracelet from the base and coat the bottom edges with glue.

This is done so that in the process of using the beads do not come off and do not change their place.

Also, by tightening, we fix the upper beads.

In addition to a permanent location, this step will make it possible to make a barrier that will help to keep little things in the box, even if it rolls over, for example large beads.

Now let's cover. Since in my example there is a rim on the cover, I carefully cut it off.

In order to bring it to the desired beautiful state, we again weave a chain of beads, which in length will coincide with the circumference of the lid.

For a better look, we make the second row on the bracelet.

Then, by already familiar tightening the extreme beads, we narrow one edge of the bracelet.

We put our blank for the cap into the "skirt" and tighten the second side of the bracelet.

The next step is to decorate the lid. We collect 6 beads on a thread and close them in a ring.

Then we type 5 more and make a loop, closing them with one of the beads of the first loop. Repeat the procedure again.

Weave until we get such a picture.

In the same way weave another tier of loops.

The number of tiers will depend on the size of your cover. I only had two.

The final step is to make a handle on the lid. It is much more convenient to open the casket by lifting its lid by a special “pimp”. To create it, I needed three beads slightly larger than the main ones.

We lock on a thread a ring of large beads, alternating them with small ones.

Then we collect another 5 blue beads on a string and close them in a loop with one of the blue beads of the middle ring.

We do the same activity two more times so that all the blue beads from the middle ring are in their loops.

Now we tighten into the ring all the extreme beads of the loops.

Pimpochka is ready. Now we begin to collect all the details of the lid together. Glue a “snowflake” on the middle of the lid, and directly on its center and handle. A box for little things is ready.


Watch the video: Turn Nutella Jar into a FANCY WALLET (October 2024).