Corrugated Paper Lotus Flower


It would seem corrugated paper, what can be made of it? After all, it is quite soft, quickly deteriorates from moisture. And here it is not, from this paper there is an opportunity to make many interesting and beautiful things.

For example, to make such a flower you would need:
- corrugated paper in two colors: green and orange.
- wire.
- a small piece of cotton wool.
- reinforced sewing threads.
- scissors.
- tweezers.
Creating a flower.
1 manufacture of petals.
From a single sheet of orange corrugated paper, you should cut out rectangular pieces measuring 3x5.5 cm each. For this flower they will need 22 pieces.

After that, each part needs to trim the upper corners, sharpening the middle.

But to make the core, you will need to cut another rectangle with sides of 6x8 cm.

This element also needs to be slightly trimmed corners, but only quite a bit.

Further from green corrugated paper you will need a part with sides 7x10 cm.

Now the upper long edge of this part needs to be cut with a zigzag line.
2 Assembling a flower.
First you need to make the middle of the flower. To do this, you need to take the wire and make a small ring at one end of it.

Then this wire should be laid in the middle of a large orange rectangle and a piece of cotton wool should be placed on top of the ring made.
Next, you need to take the left rounded corner of the part, and stretching it in the middle, wrap the wire and cotton wool located there.

Now you should repeat the same action from the second angle.

Then, tightly pressing the additions made, you need to carefully, but firmly twist together the bottom edge of the rectangle.

You will get a small bud, which now needs to be fixed by tying it at the base with a regular sewing thread. Now around this bud you can only gradually attach the prepared petals, pulling them together with a thread. The main thing is to ensure that now the paper is not stretched and distributed evenly around the entire circumference.

Next, with the prepared green rectangle, you should wrap the base of the bud, covering it with the threads holding the flower. In this position, it should also be pulled tightly with a thread.

After that, you need to cut a straight long strip from the remaining piece of green corrugated paper, which will wrap the flower stalk.

Now you just have to carefully spread the flower petals, stretching them in the widest place. So, the flower will acquire the necessary volume and shape.

The lotus flower is ready!


Watch the video: DIY Paper Dahlia Tutorial - My Wedding Backdrop Flowers (October 2024).