Needlework basket


Home Sweet Home. Life in it consists of familiar things and cute trinkets. It is they who make her better. And it is not necessary to be a professional designer or decorator to make your home cozier and warmer. It takes only a little skill, a little patience and a great desire.
Today we will weave a basket for needlework from paper tubes.
We will need:
- a plastic cover from any container;
- tubes twisted from a check tape (can be from a newspaper or any paper);
- PVA glue;
- non-aqueous stain;
- brushes for glue and stain;
- acrylic white spray paint;
- cotton fabric (any suitable) for textile insertion into the basket;
- lace or sewing to design the insert.

Let's make a simplified version of the basket: we will not weave the bottom, they will be served by a plastic lid from the container. In it, with a thick needle heated above the fire, we pierce holes around the perimeter with an interval of 1.5 - 2 cm. Photo.

We insert tubes into these holes, so that in each hole there are 2 of them.

Extend them.

It is necessary to weave 3 rows, continuing the bottom. We braid in the "rope" way.

We braid and get such a picture.

After we finished braiding the bottom (3 rows of braiding), we raise the racks. This is a common trick: we start the right strut (do not forget 1 rack - 2 tubes) under the nearest left and bend it perpendicular to the bottom.

We fix the racks around the seal installed on the bottom of our future basket, as in the photo.

We begin to weave a basket, constantly make sure that the racks do not deviate to the sides. Weave with a rope - the simplest weaving.

We reach the desired height, then we cut the racks according to the level of the woven basket, that is, we do not bend, the textile insert will cover its absence.

The next step is to glue the resulting workpiece with PVA glue. We coat well, we do not regret glue. Now we wait when the glue dries. As soon as the workpiece begins to dry, you can remove the defects by correcting the shape of the basket. Then it will harden, and nothing can be fixed.
After drying, paint the basket with stain. In our sample, the tone is Oregon. The output is pink.

The stain dries quickly enough. After 20-30 minutes, we cover the basket with acrylic paint from a spray can, tinting the lower part of the workpiece and the bottom more (it is still transparent). The color of the basket turns pink, more intense above and light pink below. The bottom of the basket is white.

Now we start decorating, we cut out the bottom of the liner from the fabric (draw a pencil around the contour of the basket and cut), the sides of the desired height and a length equal to the circumference or oval of the bottom pattern. We make allowances for seams only in the sides, we do not increase the size of the bottom, since the basket was outlined along the contour from the outside.

We sew the sides with the bottom of the insert, decorate with lace (in our basket - with cotton sewing).

Everything, our basket for needlework is ready. Such a product can be used, of course, not only for needlework. Also suitable as a gift idea. And any woman can find the use of such a thing in the house.


Watch the video: Make a Cute Needlework Basket - DIY Crafts - Guidecentral (January 2025).